03-3371 3913
03-3371 0861
Opening Hours
11:30 - 14:30
17:30 - 22:30
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 14:30
17:30 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Grilled Lamb Grilled Squid Grilled Stingray Sauna Crab
Review (7)
This place serves very delicious BBQ food such as the grilled crab, lamb and stingray.All also must try so come with a big group to share all the grilled food.The place is very easy to find using WAZE and easy to spot as it is at the roadside.Come early or make reservation as it gets packed at night.Will go back again to try their other BBQ food.My only complaint is the mint sauce is not opmh enough for the delicious pieces of grilled lamb.For more photos, visit http://huislaw.blogspot.com/2014/09/hing-ket-grill-house-kampung-jawa-Klang.html continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
More at http://xiaomin29.blogspot.com/2014/02/hing-ket-grill-house.html据我所知,很多来自外地来巴生都会特地寻到这里来找吃。只要知道前往巴生中华小学大约就知道庆吉烧烤海鲜屋在哪里。它就在大马路旁边,转弯处。** 我大意把收条弄不见了,所以不记得价钱了。炒冬粉这里必点的炒面之一,炒冬粉。他们的冬粉很有弹性,很好有咀嚼,而且值得一提的是他们家的冬粉之所以香是因为用鸭蛋黄一起炒,吃起来还吃到鸭蛋黄在冬粉上。炒米粉炒米粉和冬粉比起来就逊色了很多,而且我吃起来有米粉的味道,不喜欢。烤羊肉很多外地人来庆吉烧烤海鲜屋都是为了他们的烤羊肉。我是个不喜欢羊肉的骚味,很难接受。之前去过五星级的自助餐也是那小小一片而已,可是太骚就没再拿第二片了。这里真的是推翻我对羊肉的看法。别看它烤的黑鲁鲁的,外表虽丑,可是味道却很好吃。当然你也要配上他们的酱汁-辣椒酱和薄荷酱。忘了说,我也是不喜欢薄荷的味道。可是我还是愿意去尝试。把我不喜欢的羊肉和薄荷搭配一起,吃进肚子。出奇意外的好吃,最不喜欢的两样搭配在一起却变成好吃了。他们的薄荷还有淋上柠檬汁,可以撇掉羊肉的腥味。好吃归好吃,但价钱就不便宜咯,100 grams - RM10。烧鱼烧鱼是麻麻地而已,鱼肉没有腌制到入味,而且烤到很焦,所以只吃到烧焦味而已。烤苏冬苏冬还可以,肉质不会太老,不怕咬不断的情况。妈蜜鸡肉朋友姗姗来迟,男生的食量真的不能低估的,不够吃所以再另外多点了这道妈蜜鸡肉块,鸡肉块炸过后再炒。记得一定要配饭吃。不然单吃真的太咸了啦。所以整餐下来,我最回味的就是炒冬粉和烤羊肉。很推荐!再告诉你们,我们这一坐菜大约吃了 RM200。价钱真的不便宜,烤羊肉就已经占了总价钱的一半。夸张吧?庆吉烧烤海鲜屋 Hing Ket Grill HouseAddress : Lot 3569, Batu 3 1/4, Kampung Jawa, 41000 Klang, Selangor.Telephone : 03-3371 3913, 03-3371 0861Business Hours : 11.30am-02.30pm / 05.30pm-10.30pm continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-08-02
saya pernah menemani rakan saya makan di sini. menurut rakan saya,makanan di sini sedap dan enak-enak belaka dan antara menu yang gemar dia pesan adalah mee hon. mee hon di sini terdapat dalam dua jenis. yang pertama adalah mee hon goreng dan satu lagi adalah mee hon sup. kata kawan saya,keduanya sedap sekali. dia lebih gemarkan mee hon sup kerana supnya amatlah sedap. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-07-01
We went there for its famous grilled lamb and crab. Other than these 2, we also ordered vegetables and also steamed fish. The grilled lamb looks tasty but I dint taste it because I never eat lamb. My friends comment that it is super nice when mixed with the mint sauce. The grilled crab is very nice and the crab is very big so as crab meat. The steamed fish is also quite fresh. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-09-01
It was one of those Saturdays when the sister-in-law unexpectedly calls and invites us for a get together for dinner, just for the fun of it. She has heard many good things about Hing Ket Grill House, and being a glutton, we agreed to drive down to Klang just to sample the food.First dish that came was the grilled lamb rack. It comes in portions of 4 racks each. Since there were 5 adults, one of us went without (but not me!). The meat was juicy and tender, with slightly gamey smell that comes with lamb. It was perfectly done, with bits of crunchy burnt cha rgrilled bits. I like! Dash a bit of the watery mint sauce that accompanies the lamb, it left us wanting for more. Next came the giant grilled prawns. Usually I don’t dig gigantic prawn, as I find them too chewy, but this plate of prawn is just so succulent and fresh. The shell comes off easily, and the head is full of prawny goodness.The lala vermicelli and the garlic fried kangkung came together. This is the first time I’ve had lala vermicelli where is there no shell plus they used the tiny lala instead of the big ones. The lala and cabbage was tossed in generously with bits of beansprouts. Personally I felt that the dish needed a bit more salt, but otherwise the taste is fine. The garlic fried kangkung is nothing special, but it was a good accompaniment with the vermicelli.Next on the list was the grilled crabs. That was the highlight of my meal. Grilled whole, the inner parts of the crab was still intact (lungs & all), and it was bursting with roe. Juicy and fresh, the crabs were devoured instantly. Last but not least, grilled cuttlefish. This was just so-so, as the texture was a little chewy and the insides of the cuttlefish had a bit of weird white paste stuck on it. Hubby said it was the cuttlefish’s eggs, but I wasn’t adventurous enough to try it.All in all, great meal, but be prepared to pay for it. A meal for 5 adults came to about RM170 including Chinese tea. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)