2014-05-24 517 views
We waited for it, wondering whether it'd be legendary: Durian lovers, here's how to meet the mother of all spiky-fruit fantasies.Durian Lagenda, the latest entry into Lot 10's Hutong food court, might be a durian addict's dream destination, stinky with durian ice cream, durian cookies, durian cupcakes, durian chocolate truffles, durian mochi & more.Many thanks to Eric & the Durian Lagenda team for inviting us to try their offerings. Our favorite, unsurprisingly, is the ice cream: The soft-serve
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We waited for it, wondering whether it'd be legendary: Durian lovers, here's how to meet the mother of all spiky-fruit fantasies.Durian Lagenda, the latest entry into Lot 10's Hutong food court, might be a durian addict's dream destination, stinky with durian ice cream, durian cookies, durian cupcakes, durian chocolate truffles, durian mochi & more.Many thanks to Eric & the Durian Lagenda team for inviting us to try their offerings. Our favorite, unsurprisingly, is the ice cream: The soft-serve (RM4.80) is satisfyingly smooth, with a pleasant flavor that's distinct but not dominating.Crispy-crumbly durian cookies. Durian Lagenda uses pure pulp, not essence, from fruits secured from farms in Raub, Pahang, for its products.A Japanese-Malaysian fusion creation: Durian mochi (also one that's more suitable for bringing home, RM25 for eight pieces).Pretty unique cupcake; the first few mouthfuls taste like typical chocolate, with a tantalizing bite of thickly gooey durian stuffing revealed merely in the middle, beneath the cupcake's surface. RM5.50 (also available in poppy-seed flavor).Other temptations include durian egg rolls, puffs & egg tarts (note: most but not all items are consistently available), plus whole packs of D24 & Musang King durian fruit. Definitely easy to go overboard on durian here.
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
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