012-783 0448
Opening Hours
11:00 - 22:00
Mon - Fri
11:00 - 22:00
Sat - Sun
17:00 - 22:00
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Signature Dishes
Bird Nest Soup
Review (26)
Level4 2013-06-24
when we heard about this restaurant, i will think of the bird nest soup. but here only hvae the tom yam and also the herbal soup. i order the side dish of the abalone slice. not too big portion i just know it was the normal abalone slice. fresh and just few pieces of it. tasty when dip into the herbal soup. here the deco is very impressive. they must have invest alot on the place continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-05-14
something different style of steamboat serving here in damansara perdana they have this bird nest steamboat. but we does not manage to try the bird nest steamboat .instead just the tom yam based steamboat and herbal soup. have this abalone slice. very impressive abalone and big slices too. taste so fresh and delicious abalone. uses the good quality of food here. taste really good. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2013-05-13
来到这里才知道什么叫高级火锅!从没吃火锅吃得这么舒服,连一滴汗都没流过。这里的环境真的让人觉得很舒服,地方东西都很干净而且服务人员都很nice。这里的食物味道不过不失,不过火锅料真的很新鲜。店家给了鸳鸯火锅底,一个是药材汤,另外一个是tomyam汤。我本身是很喜欢他们的药材汤,加上蒜米油,真的一流!!而我老婆却比较喜欢他们的tomyam汤。老婆不喜欢太辣或太咸的,他们家的tomyam汤刚刚好,太辣太咸就吃不到火锅料的鲜甜了。然,他们家的辣椒酱真的让人喷火!连马来同胞都喊说很辣!!哈哈哈哈!!所以嫌说tomyam不够辣的就沾这辣椒酱吧!!其实。火锅不算是主菜呢!这燕窝汤水才算真正的主菜!怎么说??据那里的manager说,他们老板家族世代都经营着燕窝生意,而且他们是皇亲贵族的后裔。所以对于烹煮燕窝,他们有自己的一套做法,估计就是所谓的宫廷秘方吧!!!据那位manager说,他们的燕窝不是直接拿燕窝和其他材料一起炖煮的,而是蒸的(如果没记错听错)!所以,这道甜品很值得一试..... continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-05-13
这里的火锅虽然不是自助形式的,可是汤头我觉得还是很不错的。尤其是这里的药材汤头。没有什么味精的味道,完全就是靠食材的味道来调味,让人吃到不会很口渴。不过我还是喜欢自助的因为一set里面总会有一些我不是很喜欢的食材。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-05-08
When I first heard about a eatery place named Bird Nest Palace, can't help but wondering what kind of food they serves, what's more when I found out they are actually serving steamboat. Eventually I set my expectation to have a bird nest soup base on my dining experience there.Strategically located at Damansara Perdana commercial centre and it is just opposite Tropics Mall / KK Mart. They are even having a promotion (as of 1st May 2013) of RM36.90 for 2 pax steamboat set. From the main entrance, it has this very Chinese ancient theme / deco and it does feel classy like a VIP. The inner dining area is however very jungle / forest set-up which is of course refreshing and soothing, like totally separated from the hectic world.Moving on, the soup base I had that day was actually herbal soup and tomyam, they do have "Ma La" (Extra Spicy) soup base to choose from too. Do note that they don't serve individual pot here and everyone would be sharing the same pot.The photo above shows the complete set you'll get on the promotion set of RM36.90 and as seen, you get more of fishball based along with squid, slices of fish, and prawn among other ingredient like fish noodle, mushroom, needle mushroom, tofu, assorted fishball / crab stick, sotong ball, fucuk and ton of cabbage.There were also very limited condiment to go along with the food shall you need to boost the flavor. The herbal soup is pretty tasty on its own and guess it is safe to say that it wasn't MSG soup as I did not felt thirsty hours after consuming it. The Tomyam soup however were pretty mild in taste, not that spicy, and were full with residual that annoy my dining experience.You may also order some side dishes as shown above and unfortunately I don't have the price range with me. Everything seem pretty ordinary and nothing special right up to this moment except for that abalone slice, it is very sweet and chewy like the texture of meat. Can't stop but to help myself with few slices of it to satisfy my crave. So why the name bird nest you may ask? Well the owner of Bird Nest Palace actually have been actively operating bird nest business. They may want to look into improving the steamboat set, not that it wasn't good, just that it wasn't outstanding enough to attract returning customer / attention. The only thing you can't find elsewhere is that you get to enjoy a warm and hearty pot of bird nest as dessert, provided you're willing to pay extra for that.The Bird Nest Dessert cost RM40 per bowl and the price can be justify by the authentic process of preparation and the already pricey bird nest as part of the ingredient. In case you aren't aware, there are seller that use bleach to wash the bird nest so that it have the clean white look. Thankfully Bird Nest here is 100% breed and produce in-house, using only clean water to wash and finest cooking method to preserve the goodness like it should.You will also notice the place is 'decorated' with bird nest and for a pace of mind, it is best to get your authentic & harm free bird nest here. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)