03-7733 3086
Opening Hours
12:00 - 00:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 00:00
Payment Methods
Other Info
Take Away
Open Till Late
Restaurant Website
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Fruit Pot Toast Durian Mango Bingsu Blueberry Cheese Bingsu Triple Berry Bingsu Injeolmi Bingsu Injeolmi Toast
Review (3)
Level1 2016-05-03
Nice after meal desserts & good hangout place with friends. We ordered the mango durian bingsu....the shaved ice is so yummy. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Saranghae 사랑해酷食达人别羡慕欧巴带着美眉吃冰品哦!在白沙罗上城开了一间正宗的韩式甜品店。由于我的欧巴不在国内,我就约了姐妹淘安菲儿一同前往的Bingsu Cafe韩式甜品店吃刨冰!最近的美食品鉴聚会都设在白沙罗上城,通过谷歌地图来到Bingsu Cafe,我才发现在工作天从蒲种到白沙罗上城其实只需大概30分钟,并没有想象中的堵车。Bingsu Cafe的店面BingSu是一间两层楼的甜品店,简洁明亮的店面在同一排店铺中显得特别显眼。甜品选择有刨冰、土司、雪糕/雪葩、华夫饼和饮料。食物未上桌前,我和安菲儿习惯性地到店内各处溜达。BingSu给予我们一种简约淡雅的韩式设计风格,环绕着一股干净温馨的家居氛围。吸烟区一楼室内一角柜台处雪柜小玩意小游戏小纸杯参观一楼后,我们到二楼去。刚装修好的二楼秉持着韩国人生活的态度,除了摆放着木桌椅和沙发,也有年轻人喜爱的高脚椅和席地而坐的桌位,仅有朴实无华的家具,呈现低姿特色。二楼席地而坐低姿淡然小贴士:和欧巴约会当然希望自己以最完美的淑女形象示人啦!吃刨冰时,把勺从碗底慢慢往上舀,减少破坏刨冰的形状。红豆刨冰 Injeolmi Bingsu RM12.90我俩最先品尝的是刨冰元祖-红豆刨冰,这亦是韩国人最早食用的口味,经过后人改良后而形成现在的型态。冰山其实是牛奶冰刨至雪花状盛在碗中,然后把烤香的大豆粉覆盖在刨冰上,拌以米糕和杏仁片,最后在顶层放上红豆泥。从韩国空运过来的红豆经由蒸煮后,口感较本地的红豆佳,甜而不腻;米糕沾上看似木糠的大豆粉,出奇的轻盈而非想象中的甜腻黏牙;绵绵的红豆和淡淡的牛奶香在口中回荡,加上脆口的杏仁片,这就是大家向往已久的古早味啊!芒果起司刨冰 Mango Cheese Bingsu RM 17.90冰山上铺满了起司和芒果肉,顶层放了一颗香草冰淇淋,淋上芒果酱,再以红莓干点缀,摆盘挺可爱的。 香甜爽口的香芒果肉和绵密咸香的起司及香草冰淇淋交织在一起,还有甜中微酸干身的红莓干一点点的参与,顿时让刨冰活泼灵动起来!特别是在马来西亚这么炎热的天气,透心凉的芒果起司刨冰在解暑之余,还让人尝到一股浓郁的自然果香味。比利时巧克力刨冰 Belgian Chocolate RM 17.90然后呢?我们品尝BingSu女顾客最爱的比利时巧克力刨冰!刨冰犹如淑女梳上发髻,穿上卷边的蓬蓬裙赴约会似的,煞是好看。冰山铺上巧克力粉,碗边装饰着巧克力卷片,冰身有着布朗尼块,顶端盖上一颗比利时巧克力冰淇淋。入口即感受到香滑的比利时巧克力冰淇淋溜进嘴内,伴以松软甜度颇高的布朗尼块,配搭刨冰吃中和了甜度,滋味浓郁香甜。巧克力粉随着刨冰缓缓融化在口里,如它外形般浓滑迷人。榴莲芒果刨冰 Durian Mango Bingsu RM 18.90尔后上桌的是具马来西亚风味的榴莲芒果刨冰。BingSu独家的手工D24榴莲雪糕拌以榴莲和芒果块的刨冰非常诱人!浓郁的榴莲香气扑鼻加上超高的颜值,一出场就引得我们两个榴莲党尖叫不断,还谋杀了我们不少的菲林呢!我们小心翼翼地从碗边舀起一块榴莲肉和芒果肉,连带刨冰和少许冰淇淋入口。绵柔滑口的榴莲肉与香甜多汁的芒果肉融合在一起,加上冰淇淋把美味的组合扩散整个口腔,后味浓郁香醇,悠长独特的味道妙不可言!让人陶醉~大热天能吃上一口榴莲芒果刨冰清凉一“夏”,人生如此,乐矣足矣!BingSu雪糕和雪葩的口味品尝一轮刨冰后,我们当然不放过那画龙点睛的雪糕和雪葩!这里的雪糕口味有巧克力、香草、榴莲、意浓咖啡、开心果和水蜜桃等,而雪葩方面有香蕉、树莓、菠萝蜜、红毛荔枝、椰子和酸柑等。据说,这里售卖的雪糕是100%纯天然手工制作,无添加人工香料和色素。如此诱人的优质冰淇淋,让人难以抗拒!结果,我们就很放纵地吃了6款口味的雪糕/雪葩!雪糕/雪葩一球 RM7.90,两球 RM12.90,三球 RM17.90。BingSu的雪糕和雪葩口感细腻、犹如丝绸般幼滑。冰凉顺滑的雪糕/雪葩吃下去立刻就驱除了我因酷热天气下而生的闷气,安抚我浮躁的心灵。虽然说BingSu最畅销的口味是巧克力、意浓咖啡和椰子。但是,我个人推荐BingSu的椰子口味雪糕!吃后令我感叹:此雪糕只应天上有,人间能得几回吃?我们的嘴巴被冰镇一轮后,终于轮到华夫饼上场啦!BingSu提供两种口味-香蕉焦糖华夫饼和双莓华夫饼。香蕉焦糖华夫饼 Banana Caramel Waffle RM 14.90当天我们仅试吃了香蕉焦糖华夫饼。冰淇淋和华夫饼冷热交织,加上香蕉焦糖的美味组合,吃起来挺有饱腹感的。 高峰时段咱们离开前,只见BingSu里是座无虚席。有一家大小齐聚一堂的,有朋友聚会的,更有不少情侣坐在两人坐含情脉脉看着对方的。可见韩风是多么的深入民心,更见这家BingSu的韩式冰刨水准非同凡响!欧巴~ 你几时带我去吃D24榴莲芒果刨冰啊?有兴趣到 ♥ BingSu Cafe ♥ 者:地址:No. 28, Jalan SS21/35, Damansara Utama, 47400 Petaling Jaya, Selangor.电话:+603-7733 3086营业时间: 星期一至日 12 noon – 12 a.m.博文来源:http://kakalinawak.blogspot.my/2015/10/bingsu-cafe.html continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2015-10-19
Malaysia weather recently is hot due to haze. Let's go to BingSu Cafe to try their best premium Korean Dessert and Ice Cream. The moment I step into BingSu Cafe, I was attracted by the paper cup that display on the shelf. It so creative and I hear this paper cup is left by BingSu's customer that love their Bingsu.Injeolmi Red Bean Bingsu is my favourite. The mixture of soft snow milk go well with Korean rice cakes, Korean bean powder, rich amounts of almond slices and finally topped with red beans. Yummy yummy. Injeolmi Red Bean BingsuThe owner of BingSu cafe also advice us not to mix the bingsu as you will spoil the taste. You should taste BingSu Cafe snow ice as the texture is smooth plus the freshness of their snow milk. Then you scoop up to taste their rich and creamy natural premium ice cream.Mango Cheese Bingsu Mango Cheese Bingsu is new to me as I love the freshness of mango, cranberry and chunky pieces of cheese. Mango Cheese Bingsu is the best seller and also signature bingsu. You should give it a try for this bingsu.Durian Mango BingsuIf you are durian lover, you should try Durian Mango Bingsu. I will highly recommend this. The small slice of D24 durian really make me crazy. It melts easily on my mouth and the freshness of the durian really unbelievable. I super duper love this bingsu and the ice cream also make from pure D24 durian. Belgian Chocolate BingsuAnother best seller from BingSu Cafe : Belgian Chocolate Bingsu. Banana Caramel WaffleOne bite of their waffle, you would love to bit more . The waffle is so crunchy and it mix well with tasty banana and ice-cream.Thumb up for their waffle.Have you taste their handmade ice-cream? BingSu Ice cream did not have artificial colouring, no artificial flavouring and low cholesterol. This is the best premium ice-cream I have taste so far. I love their coconut and matcha ice cream. How about you? Once you have BingSu Cafe , share your comment in my post which one you love the most. I love reading your comment.Visit BingSu Cafe , 28, Jalan SS21/35, Damansara Utama.Contact : 03- 7733 3086FB link : https://www.facebook.com/bingsucafeInstagram : https://instagram.com/bingsucafe/ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)