10 Best Hainanese Chicken Rice in Klang Valley!
Hainanese chicken rice is one of the legacies left behind by Hainanese immigrants in the past. In fact, it’s probably one of the most sought after national dishes in Malaysia. Hawker stalls are out go-to for a quick fix of Hainanese chicken rice, but there are times when it’s not very easy to find ones that serve delicious ones.

Fear no more, for we have specifically picked out the 10 best Hainanese chicken rice served all around Klang Valley. Get your chicken-licious fix at these places!

(Credit: kenleeeeee)

Did you know they were the champion of the Malaysia Hainan Chicken Rice Open Competition in 2007? We swear most Kota Damansara residents have made this place to go-to for Hainanese chicken rice. The chicken boasts a smooth texture and bite, and makes a good companion with the fragrant rice. Chicken feet is also a must-get here, soaked to the core and thoroughly seasoned for your palate!

Voted as the best chicken rice shop in Ampang, Loke Yun makes all of your dreams come true with their extremely aromatic and flavourful chickens. They may as well be your next best stop for quality chicken rice. Consistency is maintained throughout the years. You’d be convinced of their deserving reputation too once you’ve tried them out.

Phewit! Not only is their chicken looking food, so are their bean sprouts that come in such generous amounts. (In fact, we think they might be a little too generous with their bean sprouts!) Corn-fed chickens are used here. Plop a single slice into your mouth and marvel at how it melts against your tongue! Chili sauce is also highly recommended for a wow-ier experience.

You might be turned off by the appearance of the shop as it looks quite run-down, but your mother surely has told you to not judge a book by its cover. The chicken rice here is a gem! Quality is steady throughout their business. You’re guaranteed to taste one of the best chicken rice in Chinatown! P.S. we recommend their chili. ;)

5. Wong Meng Kee 

Most people come here for their roasted pork, but did you know their roasted chicken is just as delectable? In fact, we'd say their roasted chicken deserves the same spotlight as the roasted pork! The chicken itself is aromatic even without the help of the sauce and it goes so well with the rice. What wouldn't you do to have this roasted perfection in your mouth?

Can’t go wrong with a plate of char siew chicken rice now, can we! In actuality, Sing Kee Kitchen is more known by their roasted duck, but their roasted chicken is just as deserving of praise. The succulence of the meat is noteworthy as it’s very tender, to the point where it feels like ice-cream is melting in your mouth! The slightly sweet gravy couldn’t have made it any better either.

The most scrumptious chicken rice? Not at all difficult to find here as this place was voted as having the best chicken rice back in 2014! Tenderness, fragrance and succulence are all delivered here thoroughly, from the beginning until the end of your meal. You’ll definitely have an unforgettable experience with them. Perhaps you might even be a returning customer before you know it!

The quirkiest thing about this place is that their rice is served pyramid-shaped! They have since reached West Malaysian shores all the way from Kota Kinabalu.  Up to 100 chickens can be sold at the peak of their business! Wow! Aside from having deliciously cooked chicken, the rice is aromatic enough without excessive greasiness.

Because what’s better than Hainanese chicken rice made with love by our grandmothers? They’re one of the more popular chicken rice shops in Pandan Jaya, humbly serving chicken rice that’s filled to the brim with warmth and a grandmother’s love. Not only that, the staffs here are full of smiles that are just as warm! Dining here will make you miss home.

They have been around since the 1965 and to this day, the owners still work hard to deliver yummy plates after plates of chicken rice. We probably sound like a broken record at this point, but how could you give this restaurant a miss? With its chicken cooked smooth, its texture soft and silky and its condiments flavourful, there’s no way you can pass on a wonderful experience here!

Hainanese chicken rice
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