全马第一个、最大的圣诞展览WinterFest!就在Mid Valley!

吃货们,今年圣诞节就是要去Mid Valley的KL WinterFest!全马第一个以圣诞为主题的大型展览WinterFest就在谷中城展览厅(Mid Valley Exhibition Centre, MVEC),将于12月16日开放至12月26日,千万不要错过啊!

KL WinterFest将分为3大卖点:缤纷美食家庭电器时尚生活。这里聚集了各种好吃又美味的美食,还有名厨,著名家电电器品牌,时尚生活商品,以及好玩的游戏、难以置信的丰富礼物与奖品!

Awesome news for all foodies, come to Mid Valley's Exhibition Center and experience KL WinterFest! First in Malaysia, WinterFest's Christmas themed booth presents to you from 16 December 2016 - 26 December 2016, don't miss it!

Head over to WinterFest @ MVEC Exhibition Center to enjoy food, gifts & lots of prizes to be won!


1. Aboong Malaysia  

甜点控最不能错过Aboong了,热乎乎的鲷鱼烧搭配冷甜甜的雪糕,咬下去简直是人间极品阿!冰与火还能这样搭配阿,让美味更上一层楼啊!来到KL WinterFest就一定要把这个鲷鱼烧放进你的List里哦!

Aboong "아붕" is a franchise originated from Seoul, Korea! Softserve frozen yogurt filled in a prosperity fish shaped waffle cone, make you droll when you look at it! Crispy outside and chewy inside~! Why not Aboong?

2. De'Lava Baked Cheese Tart

De'Lava Baked Cheese Tart半熟芝士挞出炉啦!来到KL WinterFest怎么能错过他们呢?当然别错过他们的经典Cheese口味挞,还有抹茶、Tiramisu和毛山王榴莲口味,哪个是你的最爱?

De'Lava Baked Cheese Tart is in KL WinterFest! How could you miss their creamy, rich molten hanjuku cheese tart? Cheese lovers and foodies must visit KL WinterFest!

3. 香港蛋蛋王Daan Daan Hong Kong

想吃富有香港风味的鸡蛋仔,就一定要去——香港蛋蛋王Daan Daan Hong Kong!他们家香脆又可口的鸡蛋仔可是很受网友们推荐的!如果你来到KL WinterFest就一定要来尝尝了!除了鸡蛋仔,他们家的奶茶,柠檬茶,杏仁茶也很值得一试。

Daan Daan never fails to give you the True Taste of Hong Kong Desserts in every bite. You might find their egg wafflet taste exactly like Hong Kong’s one, you must try! Besides, their lemon tea  is worth trying too! Don’t miss them!

4. Miss Rose

著名的玫瑰冰淇淋,看起来漂亮让人赏心悦目!结合了雪糕和华夫饼的Miss Rose冰淇淋也可在KL WinterFest找到哦!男孩们,你们还能当成花送给女友!能吃又能看的冰淇淋,俘虏了她们的心!你还不赶紧送玫瑰冰淇淋?

Unique Combination of Gelato Flavors and Belgian Waffle – Miso Rose Ice Cream is in KL WinterFest! A rose that looks so nice and even can eat, worth to try! You can select two flavours with distinctly different colours to make it more beautiful!

5. Stick Arts

在找特别礼物想送给另一半?那么快来KL WinterFest的Stick Arts吧!Hello Kitty版本和世界首款的3D冰淇淋花束,够不够特别?使用上等的意大利材料与器材,每天制作出38种不同口味的新鲜冰淇淋,酸奶和冰棒,他们也特别推出了50多种的手工制作3D冰淇淋!千万别错过了!

Looking special gift for your partner? You can consider Stick Arts! License Hello Kitty flavours and the World’s First 3D Gelato Flower in a Bouquet, don’t it looks special? More than 50 unique handcrafted 3D Italian ice cream and 3D cakes can be found at Stick Arts too, don’t miss it!

6. Cocoraw


Welcome to Cocoraw Chocolates! All of their chocolates are produced in small batches using fine quality cocoa solids and fresh dairy with no preservatives, artificial flavourings or other nonsense! A wonderful Christmas present for friends and lover, right?

7. The Greenies

The Greenies特别为你准备了丰富沙拉确保让你获得充足的营养!他们将新鲜蔬果材料和酱料等,分层式地装在一个玻璃罐,让你在逛展览时也很方便食用。轻轻一摇,就能享有好吃又美味的沙拉!

The Greenies are passionate about feeding you with nutritious salad in a jar, especially if you are leading a busy and active lifestyle. Salad in jar is convenient for you to enjoy when you are in KL WinterFest. Give those delicious salad jar a good shake and you will have a satisfying meal or snack!

8. Shojikiya

来到KL WinterFest千万不可以错过Shojikiya!在这个摊位,你将买到各種各樣从日本进口的食品,其中包括糖果,日常食品,冰淇淋,冷凍物品等等,多达1000多種!而且届时也将会有特别优惠!

Don’t miss Shojikiya when you come to KL WinterFest! They offer a wide variety of more than 1000 imported Japanese food products; include confectioneries, groceries, ice cream, seaweed, frozen items and many more. And they might also have offer during that time! 


日本頗受好評的甜品屋——MONTEUR梦甜屋,可以在KL WinterFest找得到啦!牛奶鸡蛋泡芙,鲜奶油迷你泡芙,牛奶鸡蛋闪电泡芙,鲜奶油迷你闪电泡芙,法式可丽饼,牛奶鸡蛋夾心松饼等,只是听着,小编也想吃!另外,除了Monteur,也将会特别展出Ito En饮品和Kochi Ice冰淇淋!一定要试一试啦!

You can find Japan famous dessert in KL WinterFest! There are many favours that you must try, such as Mini Cream Puff, French Crepes and other more! Besides, don’t miss their special drink—Ito En and special ice-cream—Kochi Ice!

10. Myeong Dong 明洞


MyeongDong Topokki brings the most popular Korean Street Food to KL WinterFest! If you like to watch Korean Show, MyeongDong Topokki will be your best choice to try! The infamous Topokki, Odeng and famous main dishes like Bulgogi Rice, are you ready?

11. Love18手工巧克力

高级巧克力法国的Valrhona和比利时的Callebaut竟然可以在KL WinterFest吃到?Love18手工巧克力,他们家使用的原料都是顶级品牌,甚至引进了这两个高级牌子的高档巧克力材料,制作巧克力的材料都经过他们的细心筛选。非常值得一试哦!

Chocolate lovers will find happiness in this KL WinterFest! Love 18 uses premium grade chocolates, even imported from France (Valrhona) and Belgian (Callebaut). Hope you enjoy with those delicate premium grade chocolates!


在KL WinterFest也有售卖台湾最受欢迎的养生品——【珍品五味】台湾姜母茶!100%全素、无防腐剂 、无化学药物的全天然养生品,你哪里能错过呢!有好多养生茶任你选!二合一黑糖姜母茶,黑糖红枣桂圆,红枣桂圆海燕窝,冰糖牛蒡,玫瑰四物饮等等!这一系列的古早味手工黑糖产品,你喜欢哪一个呢?

Want to try a drink with 100% vegan, without preservatives, and even without any chemical medicine? Taiwan famous Herbal Tea – Taiwan Brown Sugar Ginger Tea which you can’t miss it in WinterFest! It is Taiwan Tea Cubes, so you can enjoy the drink in home now! They do offer other favours too, so which is your choice?

13. TommyBoy

在中国与台湾都很红的TommyBoy咖啡馆也会出现在KL WinterFest!千万不能错过他们价钱实惠的美食和饮品,有咖啡、特调奶茶类、冰茶类、冰品类、茶类,厚片吐司类,华夫饼等等,好多选择!想要一尝他们的咖啡,圣诞假期就来KL WinterFest享用吧!

Tommyboy Café will offer vary of choice such as 10 selections of coffee beverages, 15 types of milk tea, 10 types of famous tea and other types of drink in KL WinterFest! They do offer desserts too! Pancakes, toast and waffle are waiting you! Get ready to go there and enjoy your coffee in KL WinterFest!

14. GoldenBons

听到“台湾小吃”,你最先想到的是什么呢?小编最先想到的是外脆内嫩的台湾炸鸡排!在KL WinterFest也能吃到香脆脆的炸鸡排,想吃就到GoldenBons吧!不忘了台湾大花枝排,香肠等等。想想小编都饿了啦,快和小编一起吃炸鸡排啦!

Enjoy Christmas with Taiwan’s most famous street food – Chicken Chop in KL WinterFest! If you like to eat Chicken Chop, don’t miss GoldenBons. You can enjoy various types of food, such as fried cuttlefish, hot dog on a stick, Taiwan crepes, cheese wedge, buns and so on, with the lowest price!

15. Mille Crepe by Vanilla Cakes

Vanilla Cakes制作的千层蛋糕都超过20层,每一层都薄而細! 最让人满意的是他们的奶油顺口不腻且不会太甜!而且价格也很实惠!FB review里可以看到很多人都给4-5颗星,你就知道它有多令人满意了!到KL WinterFest里购买他们的千层蛋糕尝尝吧!

Vanilla Cakes serve premium French Mille Crêpe, each of those delectable cakes has more than 20 layers of paper thin crêpe! You will satisfy with their Mille Crêpe cake! It is worth to try when you come to KL WinterFest!


For more information, please click here!

每日首1000名先到KL WinterFest的朋友将获免费礼品袋!礼品袋里装有许多好康和礼物噢!先到先得,送完即止!

另外,只要在KL WinterFest消费满RM 3,000或以上,你可到柜台处兑换精美礼物!当然消费越高,可兑换的礼物价值也越高!

#Contest (*Terms and condition apply)

For more information of contest, please click here!


只要在KL WinterFest消费满RM500或以上,你就获得参加幸运旋转有奖游戏的资格!快来KL WinterFest赢取游戏吧!


要怎么show自己?当然是“自拍”啦!来到KL WinterFest第一件事当然是打卡拍照啦!所以,有自拍的朋友们!不要忘了上传并#iloveklwinterfest,这样你就有机会赢取实用的家居电器了!


凡出席KL WinterFest的人可到柜台登记,因为你将有机会赢得一部SHARP云端保安系统!而且无须做任何的消费,登记就可以了!

还有更多精彩活动在KL WinterFest等着你!千万不要错过呀!


想知道更多KL WinterFest,请游览他们的网站:KL  WinterFest或面子书:KL WinterFest@Facebook

KL WinterFest
Mid Valley Mega Mall
OpenRice MY Editor
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