Exploring the Secret of 'Instant Beauty and Instant Healthy'?!

Starving yourself in the hopes of budging the scale and shifting a few kilos might seem like a good idea, but there’s a catch. Believe it or not, the more you starve yourself, the more stubborn your fat stores actually become!

The good news is that the answer to this weight loss conundrum is simple – eating foods and following strategies that ignite your metabolism. The most important is it will leave you feeling full and satisfied.

The secret hides inside a pack of sachet that full of bird nest goodies, with the mixture of rice, oats and seaweed.

The most well-known benefits for Bird’s Nest consumption are improving of Skin Health, as well the Immune System. It is a health or supplement food to beautify skin – primarily to retain youthfulness and obtain a clean and clear facial complexion. 

Vesbo Bird Nest Porridge is low in calories, high in protein, without MSG and most importantly it is SUPER HEALTHY.

Vesbo Bird Nest Porridge contains 9 important goodies:

1.  Good for the stomach

2.  Energy booster

3.  Nourishing

4.  Anti-aging

5.  Enhance immune system

6.  Nutrients for pregnancy

7.  Cancer prevention

8.  Enhance blood circulation

9.  Good for lungs

Vesbo has 
proven its healthful weight-loss and skin enhancing have helped many succeed. It is a high emphasis on taste too – this is a healthy food that encourages fresh and nourishing whole foods and delicious easy meal that is definitely easy to make.

Mix a sachet of Vesbo Bird Nest Porridge with warm water, and you can add in other ingredients example free range eggs, to enhance its taste.

You can make Pasta Carbonara sauce with Vesbo Bird Nest Porridge, it is easy and convenient, while still offering the from-scratch flavor you crave. 

·    Use 1 sachet of Vesbo with only 250ml (lesser hot water compare to normal a la carte intake), mix with the cooked ham, sausages or seafood. The Vesbo Bird Nest Carbonara sauce is ready to mix with the Pasta.

Besides this, you also can try to make Porridge base steamboat with it.

·    Add 3 sachets of Vesbo in the steamboat wok, pour in the chicken soup and stir it well. Put in all your favorite ingredients, the porridge base steamboat is ready to serve.

Special Promotion

Leng yein Fans Special
thermal mug packRM35 per boxinclude postage
double packs
RM55 per 2 boxes include postage

·         Original price : RM29.95 per box

Available at  nationwide Aeon&  Lazada

Page: http://www.facebook.com/vesbomalaysia 
Wechat: vesbomalaysia
Phone: +6016-3482444
Order via FB

Promotion until 30/4/2017

Vesbo Bird Nest Porridge is available @

·        Nationwide Aeon

·        Lazada.com

For more info, please click: Vesbo FB

Vesbo Bird Nest Porridge
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